Music Faculty Strengthen Cultural Ties with Scholars in Asia

Author: Carrie Gates

Music Faculty's Trip to Asia Notre Dame faculty Tricia Park, an associate professor of the practice, performs on violin, accompanied by John Blacklow, an associate professor of piano, at a recital last year at the Beijing Capital Library.

Peter Smith Peter Smith

Continuing to strengthen cultural ties with scholars and alumni in Asia, three faculty members from Notre Dame’s Department of Music will depart on Tuesday, October 13, for Seoul, Beijing, and Hong Kong.

It will be the third such trip in three years for Professor Peter Smith, chair of the department, and Tricia Park, an associate professor of the practice and an award-winning violinist. They will be joined this year by Daniel Schlosberg, an assistant professor of the practice and a critically acclaimed pianist.

During the 12-day tour, they will present concerts and lectures at leading universities and cultural institutions, including the Asia Society in Hong Kong.

Daniel Schlosberg Daniel Schlosberg

“Notre Dame faculty play a key role in advancing the University’s academic reputation and cultural exchange within an international context,” said Jonathan Noble, assistant provost for Asia. “They are warmly invited to collaborate with leading universities and organizations in Asia.”

In past tours, Smith and Park visited some of the most renowned universities in Asia, including Fu Jen Catholic University in 2013 and Peking University in 2014.

This year, they will also visit and perform at Minzu University of China, a key national university noted in particular for research and teaching in the humanities, arts, and ethnic studies.

Building on the success of their previous visits, Notre Dame music faculty have expanded their outreach from universities to more broadly based cultural institutions as well—such as last year’s recital at the Beijing Capital Library, in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy, and their upcoming appearance at the Asia Society.

Founded by John D. Rockefeller III in 1956, the Asia Society is a global educational organization dedicated to promoting understanding and strengthening partnerships between the U.S. and Asia.

“Given the increasing importance of Asia in the global economy and world affairs, it is vital that Notre Dame fosters ties with Asia,” Smith said. “It has been an honor to contribute to our goal of becoming a more international university.”

This year’s trip will culminate with the faculty members’ presentation at the inaugural “Global Forum: Asia” in Hong Kong—an event that seeks to explore global issues and reinforce the University’s mission by “creating a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good.”

The Global Forum brings together Notre Dame alumni and friends with members of the University’s leadership team—including Thomas Burish, the Charles and Jill Fischer Provost; Scott Appleby, Marilyn Keough Dean of the Donald R. Keough School of Global Affairs; and Noble. Keynote speaker Po Chung, the co-founder of DHL International, will speak about ethical leadership in the globalized world. As part of the event, the University will convene a meeting of leaders from Notre Dame’s network of alumni clubs throughout Asia.

As the University continues to build connections with alumni and scholars across the globe, Smith said, it is important that all aspects of life at Notre Dame be fully represented.

“While Notre Dame has a longstanding reputation for academics and sports, for too long, its flourishing arts programs have been under the radar,” he said. “With these annual tours, my colleagues and I have aspired to contribute to the University’s ongoing efforts to change that dynamic.”