Invited Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P.

Serge Thomas Bonino

Fr. Serge-Thomas Bonino is the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. From 2011 to 2020, he served as general secretary of the International Theological Commission. Since 2011, he has served as consultant to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Before moving to Rome, he taught at the Catholic University of Toulouse and was editor of the prestigious Revue Thomiste. He has been an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas since 1999 and has served as its president since 2014. He completed his PhD in theology in Fribourg under the direction of the eminent Jean-Pierre Torrell. He completed a second PhD in philosophy at the University of Poitiers under the supervision of Pierre Magnard. His publications include Saint Thomas au XXe siècle : Actes du colloque du Centenaire de la "Revue thomiste" (1993), Je vis dans la foi au Fils de Dieu : Entretiens sur la vie de foi (2000), Les Anges et les Démons (2007), Il m'a aimé et s'est livré pour moi : Entretiens sur le Rédempteur en sa Passion (2013), Brève histoire de la philosophie latine au Moyen Age (2015), Dieu, 'Celui qui est' (2016), Etudes thomasiennes (2018) and Saint Thomas d'Aquin lecteur du Cantique des cantiques (2019).

Rudi te Velde

Rudi Te Velde

Rudi te Velde is Professor of Philosophy in the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology, Tilburg University (Netherlands). Recently named a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas, he is perhaps best known for his groundbreaking work on the (neo)Platonic elements of Aquinas’s metaphysics. Te Velde is the author of dozens of articles and several books, including Participation and Substantiality in Thomas Aquinas (1995), Aquinas on God: The “Divine Science” of the Summa Theologiae (2006), and Metaphysics between Experience and Transcendance: Thomas Aquinas on Metaphysics as a Science (2021).

Jean Porter

Jean Porter

Jean Porter is the John A. O’Brien Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. A leading voice in the retrieval of Thomistic ethics for theology, Dr. Porter has authored numerous works including The Recovery of Virtue: The Relevance of Aquinas for Christian Ethics (1990), Moral Action and Christian Ethics (1996); Natural and Divine Law: Reclaiming the Tradition for Christian Ethics (1999), Nature as Reason: A Thomistic Theory of the Natural Law (2004), Ministers of the Law: A Natural Law Theory of Legal Authority (2010), Justice as Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective (2016), The Perfection of Desire: Habit, Reason, and Virtue in Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae (2018).

Thomas Joseph White, O.P.

Fr Thomas Joseph White

Fr. Thomas Joseph White is the Rector Magnificus of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum) in Rome. He is also co-editor of the journal Nova et Vetera, a Distinguished Scholar of the McDonald Agape Foundation, and a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Fr. White has authored a number of important works, including Wisdom in the Face of Modernity: A Study in Thomistic Natural Theology (2011), The Incarnate Lord, A Thomistic Study in Christology (2015), The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism (2017), Exodus (2020), and The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God (2022).

Invited semi-plenary speakers

  • Frederick Bauerschmidt (Loyola University Maryland)
  • Fr. Stephen Brock (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and University of Chicago)
  • Jeff Brower (Purdue University)
  • Brian Carl (University of St. Thomas Houston and Center for Thomistic Studies)
  • Therese Scarpelli Cory (University of Notre Dame)
  • Gregory Doolan (Catholic University of America)
  • David Elliot (Catholic University of America)
  • Gloria Frost (University of St. Thomas Minnesota)
  • Fr. Simon Gaine, O.P. (Angelicum)
  • Harm Goris (Thomas Instituut te Utrecht)
  • Michael Gorman (Catholic University of America)
  • Tom Hibbs (Baylor University)
  • Angela Knobel (University of Dallas)
  • Katja Krause (Max Planck Institute, Berlin)
  • David Lantigua (University of Notre Dame)
  • Joshua Lim (University of Notre Dame)
  • Matthew Levering (University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary)
  • Brad Lewis (Catholic University of America)
  • Fr. Reginald Lynch, O.P. (Dominican House of Studies)
  • Bruce Marshall (Southern Methodist University)
  • Bill Mattison (University of Notre Dame)
  • Anna Moreland (Villanova University)
  • John O'Callaghan (University of Notre Dame)
  • Stephen Ogden (University of Notre Dame)
  • Randall Smith (University of St. Thomas Houston)
  • Daria Spezzano (Providence College)
  • Ezra Sullivan, O.P. (Pontifical University of St. Thomas)
  • Richard C. Taylor (Marquette University)
  • Zita Toth (King’s College London)
  • Luca Tuninetti (Pontifical Urbaniana University)
  • Rik Van Nieuwenhove (Durham University)
  • Jörgen Vijgen (Tilburg University)
  • Candace Vogler (University of Chicago)
  • Michael Waddell (St. Mary's College)
  • José Widow (University of the Andes, Santiago)
  • Tianyue Wu (Peking University)