Forum 2024: "One Year after October 7: Historical Backdrop and Future Prospects"


Location: 151 DeBartolo Hall (View on map )

Hussein Ibish and David Myers
Hussein Ibish and David Myers

This presentation will offer a multi-lens perspective on the lead-up to the Hamas attack of October 7, 2024, and the Israeli response in Gaza. Only four years earlier, The Abraham Accords were signed, heralding a new era in relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors. While the Accords were seen by supporters as only a first step in regional normalization, they ignored the Palestinian question. This exclusion was one of the key factors prompting Hamas to attack Israel as it did.

The presentation will explore the array of forces that led to October 7 and the profoundly consequential sequence of events that followed it. In addition to offering a historical perspective, the conversation will also address where the rapidly upfolding events in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran might be heading in the future.


  • Hussein Ibish, Senior Resident Scholar, Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington

  • David Myers, Distinguished Professor and Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History, UCLA

  • Moderator: Maura Policelli, Executive Director, Washington Office, Keough School of Global Affairs

Notre Dame ID's will be required for entrance to this event.

Originally published at