The Papacy and Eastern Christian Traditions Working Group: Andrea Riedl


Location: Hesburgh Library 715J & Zoom (View on map )

Riedl Lecture Poster

Dr. Andrea Riedl will present via Zoom on the topic, “Comedunt hereticos: Reflections on a 13th-century Polemical Dossier Against the Greeks: Topics, Manuscripts, Edition.” Our working group will gather in the Medieval Institute, although individual connection via Zoom is also possible for those who wish.

Dr. Andrea Riedl is the Chair of Medieval and Modern Church History in the Theology Department at the University of Regensburg. Her publications include the book Tractatus contra Graecos (1252) - Introduction and Critical Edition as part of the Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis series and numerous articles on Latin-Greek relations and theological disputes in the Middle Ages. She has also co-edited the volumes Themes of Polemical Theology Across Early Modern Literary Genres (with Svorad Zavarský and Lucy R. Nicholas) and Der sichtbaren Gemeinschaft entgegen. Impulse junger orthodoxer und katholischer Theologinnen und Theologen (with Nino Sakvarelidze).

Originally published at