FTT Visual Cultures Workshop | Neon Hackers: Las Vegas and the Cyberpunk Aesthetic


Location: B043, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center (View on map )

Las Vegas is a unique city in many ways: its streets never sleep; it caters to all manner of weirdness; and it embodies high-tech spectacle. These characteristics have made it a popular playground for hackers, many of whom share a libertarian spirit and an affection for the cyberpunk aesthetic. This paper traces the development of hacking cultures in Las Vegas to argue that the city is the birthplace of, and it's an important source of imagination for, American hacker communities.

Lizao (Lizzy) Wang is a graduate student in the History and Philosophy of Science program.


This event is free to attend and open to faculty, staff, and students

Originally published at ftt.nd.edu.