Measuring Performance: Temporality, Technology, & Track & Field


Location: B043, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center (View on map )

The Women’s Track and Field World magazine (1967-1985) served as a key source of information about women’s running times. Advertisements for Hanhart Stopwatches were included alongside lists of event times. My research investigates the relationships between track and field, gender, the stopwatch, and representations of the athletic body as machine. My investigation considers the implications of this sport structure of “body against clock.” As a result of this structure, the “fastest bodies” have been historically privileged as the “superior bodies” both in and outside of sport. Studying how “superiority” narratives from sport are translated into social, political, and economic contexts in regards to race, gender, sexuality, dis(ability), and class allows sport scholars to address inequities across the sporting landscape.


This event is free to attend and is open to faculty, staff, and students.

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