Nanovic Undergraduate Research Conference Application Deadline


Location: Online

Ug Conference Web

The first Nanovic Undergraduate Research Conference is being planned for March 1, 2023.

To prepare for this exciting event, the institute is putting out a call for proposals from undergraduate researchers at the University of Notre Dame. Students who have received Nanovic Institute grants or are minors in European studies or global affairs students with a concentration in Transnational European Studies are especially encouraged to apply.

You will have the opportunity to present your research in a professional setting to your peers. We are open to proposals for:

  • Individual paper presentations
    A 15-minute presentation of your research. You may use visuals to aid in your presentation. We will organize presentations into thematic panels with a moderator. 

  • Poster sessions
    A concise and visually attractive summary of a research project from start to end. Poster content can include text, tables, graphs, illustrations, and photos and generally includes the following sections: Background, Research Questions, Methodology, Findings, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. More resources on creating a research poster can be found at:

  • Research blitz
    5-10 minute research presentations with short Q&A. Students will present back to back with time for questions.

If you are interested in this unique opportunity to present your research, please apply as soon as possible. The deadline for all applications is Tuesday, January 30, 2023.

Apply today

Originally published at