Continuing the Conversation: Walking in the Spirit of Truth: Charting the Pathways to Racial Justice, 2.0


Location: Auditorium, Hesburgh Center for International Studies and Live on Zoom (View on map )

Walk The Walk Week 2023

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (St. John 8:32, KJV). 

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In January 2023, the Kroc Institute hosted an open and forthright conversation about the status of racism in the United States and how the pathways toward racial justice are impacted. As the year progressed, the country continued to witness and experience episodes and incidents of racial violence, racism denial, and attempts to wipe out Black and Brown peoples’ histories, experiences, and contributions.

Please join us for a panel discussion with distinguished guests who return for part two of the discussion – on how walking the walk toward true racial justice and justpeace involves addressing the myriad manifestations of racism with conviction with a resolve toward actions.

Opening remarks: 

Gwendolyn Purifoye

Dr. Gwendolyn Purifoye

Assistant Professor of Racial Justice and Conflict Transformation


Dr. Derrick Brooms, Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Dr. Derrick Brooms

Executive Director of the Black Men's Research Institute, Morehouse College

Dr. Carla Goar

Dr. Carla Goar

Professor of Sociology and Director of the Anti-Racism and Equity Institute, Kent State University

Dr. Amber Hewitt

Dr. Amber A. Hewitt

Counseling Psychologist and Racial Equity Practitioner

Dr David Stovall

Dr. David Stovall

Professor, Department of Black Studies and Department of Criminology, Law and Justice, University of Illinois, Chicago.

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Originally published at