Education & Vocation Webinar: Parker J. Palmer


Location: Zoom Webinar

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As part of the Virtues & Vocations series Education for Flourishing: Conversations on Character & the Common Good, we are pleased to welcome Parker J. Palmer, bestselling author, teacher & activist, discusses Education & Vocation.
There will be time for audience questions.
Palmer focuses on issues in education, community, leadership, spirituality and social change. He has published a dozen poems, more than one hundred essays and ten books. Palmer's work has been recognized with thirteen honorary doctorates, two Distinguished Achievement Awards from the National Educational Press Association, an Award of Excellence from the Associated Church Press, and grants from the Danforth Foundation, the Lilly Endowment and the Fetzer Institute.
Virtues & Vocations is a national forum housed at the Center for Social Concerns at Notre Dame for scholars and practitioners across disciplines to consider how best to cultivate character in pre-professional and professional education.
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