Liturgical Studies Colloquium: "Praying in Time"


Location: E108 Corbett Hall

Sister Vassa Larin, Coffee with Sister Vassa, "Praying in Time."
Abstract: Sister Vassa’s book provides both a theological and practical introduction to two liturgical cycles of the Byzantine Rite: 1. the Little Hours of the Byzantine Horologion, and 2. The days of the week, as governed by the Byzantine Oktoechos. Sister Vassa contextualizes this prayer-tradition of the Hours and Weekdays within the challenges of 24/7 Internet-time, proposing a creative and yet simple way to “pray traditionally” in the midst of postmodern chaos. She also reflects on the ecclesiological implications of all the faithful “redeeming the time” in this manner, whether they happen to be laypeople, clergy, monastic, or none-of-the-above.

Originally published at