Roundtable on the Good Friday Agreement


Location: 1050 Jenkins Nanovic Halls (View on map )

The Good Friday Agreement brought an end to the Troubles in Northern Ireland among contesting parties there, as well as between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Yet the peace process was long and arduous, and fraught at every turn.

To reflect on the accomplishments and learnings of the past 25 years since this historic accord was struck, Ian McBride and Nicholas Cole of Oxford University, and Josefina Echavarría Alvarez from the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, will lead a discussion about the peace process and treaties in a comparative framework. This panel event will be moderated by Dr. Shelley Deane from the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

This event is cosponsored by the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies and the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

Originally published at