Lecture: "Overcoming Violence in Wounded Societies: Perspectives from the Colombian and Kenyan Truth Commissions"


Location: Zoom Webinar and Keough School of Global Affairs Washington Office

How can societies grapple with the legacies of conflict and human rights violations? How might they overcome traumatic cycles of ongoing violence? And what can spiritual traditions teach them about moving forward toward a better future? 

Join us for a panel discussion featuring widely acclaimed peacebuilder Francisco de Roux—the former chair of Colombia’s Truth Commission, and Tecla Namachanja Wanjala, former vice and acting chair of Kenya’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission. Hear insights from a panel of experts who know firsthand how countries scarred by decades of violent conflict can build a just and lasting peace. 

Speakers will share their distinctive perspectives, roles, experiences, and lessons learned as part of multiple truth commission inquiries. Their recommendations can help peacebuilders pursue more inclusive transitional processes, broaden the participation of victims and civil society, and build sustainable processes for preventing cycles of violence from recurring. 

Following the panel discussion, Humanity United invites all attendees for a special photo exhibition featuring work from Foto-Diásporas, which showcases photographic works and narratives of 15 Colombians and their experiences of being forced to live in exile. Lunch will be provided for attendees after the panel discussion.

Lunch will be provided for attendees after the panel discussion.

Co-sponsored by the Keough School of Global AffairsKroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Georgetown Americas Institute, with the Peace Accords Matrix, the Catholic Peacebuilding Network and support from Humanity United. 

Register to attend in Person 
Register to attend via Zoom

Keough School of Global Affairs Washington Office address: 1400 16th St. NW Suite 120. Washington, DC 20036

Opening remarks: 

Josefina Echavarria Alvarez, Director of the Peace Accord Matrix program, Associate Professor of the Practic

Josefina Echavarria Alvarez

Director of the Peace Accord Matrix program, Associate Professor of the Practice


Former Chair, Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition, Colombia

Francisco de Roux

Former Chair, Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition, Colombia

Tecla Namachanja Wanjala, Former Vice and Acting Chair, Kenya Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission

Tecla Namachanja Wanjala

Former Vice and Acting Chair, Kenya Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission

Gloria Marcela, Colombian survivor of the armed conflict living in exile, participant of FotoDiasporas

Gloria Marcela

Colombian survivor of the armed conflict living in exile, participant of FotoDiaspora

Karina Ruiz, Colombian survivor of the armed conflict living in exile, participant of FotoDiasporas

Karina Ruiz

Colombian survivor of the armed conflict living in exile, participant of FotoDiasporas

John Paul Lederach, Professor Emeritus of International Peacebuilding, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

John Paul Lederach*

Professor Emeritus of International Peacebuilding, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies 

Leslie Wingender, Director for Peacebuilding, Humanity United

Leslie Wingender (Moderator)

Director for Peacebuilding, Humanity United 

Photo provided by the United Nations Development Programme (Flickr)

*Attending via Zoom

Originally published at kroc.nd.edu.