Presentation By Shawn Price Followed by a Troupe of Diné dancers


Location: Hesburgh Library

 On Tuesday, April 11, the ND Native American Initiative will host Shawn Price and a troupe of Diné dancers at the Hesburgh Library.  

Shawn Price is a traditional keeper and tribal historian of the Navajo Nation and will be speaking about his research into William Tecumseh Sherman at noon. Hesburgh Library holds many materials related to Sherman, so the Scholars’ Lounge will provide an apt setting for the presentation.

A limited supply of free sandwiches will be available to the first 25 attendees.

Following the talk and a brief break, at 1:20 Mr. Price and the Dineh Tah’ dance group will do several traditional dances in the Library Concourse.  This will be an exciting culmination to our year of engaging our campus with Native American studies and issues. 

We hope to see you at this special double event and that you might share this info and the attached poster with your colleagues and students.  

Originally published at