Lecture: "Introduction to Romance Philosophy: On the Benefit to Medieval Studies of the Study of their Philosophy"


Location: Medieval Institute Reading Room (715 Hesburgh Library) and live-streamed on our YouTube channel (View on map )

The Medieval Institute is pleased to present the final installment, rescheduled from fall 2021, of its 75th Anniversary Alumni Lecture Series with Andrea Robiglio, SIEPM Fellow at the Institute from 2006–7.

About the Talk

The term "romance philosophy" is, though already occasionally employed, arguably new as a category in the studies of medieval thought and intellectual history. Elaborating on some established polar oppositions attested in the scholarly literature (such as clerical vs. lay, Latin vs. vernacular, and academic vs. popular), I shall in my lecture try to illustrate a partially-new approach by building upon four relevant case studies: Petrus Alfonsi, Thomas Aquinas, Marguerite Porete, and Dante Alighieri.

About the Speaker

Andrea Aldo Robiglio is Professor of the History of Philosophy at the Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte at KU Leuven. He has held appointments at the Universities of Nijmegen, Fribourg (Switzerland), Leuven, Freiburg im Breisgau, the CNRS (Paris), and Groningen. At the University of Notre Dame he was fellow of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale from 2006–7. He is co-editor-in-Chief of the OA journal Mediterranea: International Journal on Transfer of Knowledge (Cordoba, Leuven, London, and Philadelphia).

Originally published at medieval.nd.edu.