Creative Writing Reading Series ft. Johannes Göransson


Location: 232 Decio Commons

Johannes Göransson is the author of five books with Tarpaulin Sky Press — Entrance to a colonial pageant in which we all begin to intricate (2011), Haute Surveillance (2013), The Sugar Book (2015), Poetry Against All: A Diary (2020), and Summer (2022) — in addition to three previous collections of poems: A New Quarantine Will Take My Place, Dear Ra, and Pilot (“Johann the Carousel Horse”). He has also translated several books, including Aase Berg’s Hackers, Dark Matter, Transfer Fat, and With Deer as well as Ideals Clearance by Henry Parland and Collobert Orbital by Johan Jönson. Göransson emigrated with his family from Skåne, Sweden to the United States at age 13. He earned a BA from the University of Minnesota, an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and his PhD from the University of Georgia. Today, in addition to writing and translating books, he teaches at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, and together with his wife, author Joyelle McSweeney, Göransson co-publishes Action Books.

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