Integral Human Development and Institutions


Location: Hesburgh Center, Room C103 (View on map )

Clemens Sedmak
Director, Nanovic Institute for European Studies
Professor of Social Ethics, Keough School of Global Affairs
Kellogg Institute Faculty Fellow

The ethics of institutions is an important aspect of integral human development (IHD) since institutions play a major role in social change processes. In his landmark book on the common good, David Hollenbach identified institutions as drivers of change. The United States Sustainable Development Goals include a commitment (goal 16) to building strong institutions. The lecture will explore the intersection between IHD and the ethics of institutions: what does it mean to apply IHD to the design of institutional arrangements and practices? What does it mean to build dignity-sensitive institutions? What is the relevance of IHD for an ethics of institutions?

Presented by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies with cosponsorship by the Nanovic Institute for European Studies.