Raise Your Voice: A Sexual Violence Symposium

(part of a series)

Location: Saint Mary's College

Additional information and updates

April 8, 3 p.m. Alumna Janet Kelley ’97 will read from her new book, Taint.

April 11, 6 p.m. Saint Mary’s will welcome Chanel Miller, an artist, advocate, and author of Know My Name, a breathtaking memoir of a survivor reclaiming her voice. First known publicly as Emily Doe, Miller is the survivor of the Stanford University sexual assault case that exposed the harsh reality faced by many survivors. 

April 13, 5 p.m. The annual tri-campus Take Back the Night event will kick-off on Saint Mary’s campus.

This is the first year St. Mary’s College is hosting this symposium, and the intent is to host this event annually. It is being planned by the President’s Committee on Sexual Violence, but many offices and departments on campus are co-sponsoring events.

Sexual violence affects everyone. As the only women’s college in the State of Indiana, Saint Mary’s should be a convener of events designed to educate the community around matters of particular importance to women, and to commemorate and celebrate women’s achievements.

Presented by the President's Committee on Sexual Violence – St. Mary’s College

Originally published at genderstudies.nd.edu.