The Future of the Crises in Mali: Imagining the Ways Forward (HYBRID)


Location: Hesburgh Center Auditorium (View on map )

Mali has been embroiled in a governance and security crisis for more than a decade. Despite more than 16,000 international troops, Mali continues to grapple with increasing insecurity (intercommunal violence, human rights violations, and violent extremism) as well as political instability, including three coup d’états. The persistence of the crises, with their domestic and international dimensions, as well as their complexity, prompts us to reflect on ways forward.  What are the challenges facing Mali today?  How might we imagine a different future for Mali? 


Moussa Kondo 
Special Advisor to the President of Mali
2018 Obama Fellow, 2015 YALI Fellow, and Stanford University Draper Hills Fellow

Nicolas Normand
Associate Fellow at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs
Former French Ambassador to Senegal/Gambia and Mali

Moumouni Soumano
Kellogg Institute Hewlett Visiting Fellow for Public Policy
Assistant Professor of Administrative and Political Sciences, University of Bamako (Mali)

Bisa Williams
Senior Fellow and Lecturer, Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Former US Ambassador to Niger

Jaimie Bleck
Associate Professor of Political Science
Senior Research Advisor, Ford Program
Kellogg Institute Faculty Fellow


Presented by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies with cosponsorship by the Nanovic Institute for European Studies.