Conference: "Mapping Rome: The Eternal City as a Site for Interdisciplinary Research and Education"

(part of a series)

Location: McKenna Hall (View on map )

Spizzichino Bridge
Settimia Spizzichino Bridge, Rome, Italy

“Mapping Rome as a Site for Research and Education” is an ongoing (2020-) project fostering interdisciplinary conversations and collaborations among University of Notre Dame faculty whose research takes Rome as a focal point. This meeting investigates how the ND scholarly community might develop resources and pathways to facilitate an inclusive and non-siloed approach to research and education in the humanities and in the social sciences in Rome through the University’s Rome Global Gateway. An intended outcome of the “Mapping Rome” project is the creation of a consortium of ND Centers and Institutes in collaboration with the Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway in support of research and education in Rome.

Visit the Center for Italian Studies for the full conference program and attendance information


  • Center for Italian Studies
  • Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
  • Kellogg Institute for International Studies
  • Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies
  • Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts
  • Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies
  • Nanovic Institute for European Studies 
  • Rome Global Gateway.

Originally published at