Love Data Week 2022: Data Haiku Contest

(part of a series)

Location: Virtual

Write a haiku about data! Your haiku must be related to data in some way (e.g., data management, processing, sharing, preservation, reuse, etc.).

The contest is open to current Notre Dame students and employees. 1 submission per person. Submissions are due by noon on February 18.

What is a haiku?
Haikus have a rigid structure of 17 syllables divided across 3 lines. The first line should have 5 syllables, the second line should have 7 syllables, and the third line should have 5 syllables. Haikus do not need to rhyme.

Haiku Example
Title: Preprocessing

Cleaning, reducing
and ignoring outliers.
Only one case left.

Author: Arnon Hershkovitz

3 winners will receive an "I Love Data" coffee mug. Authors of winning and honorable mention entries will be notified via email on February 18.

Winning and honorable mention entries will be posted on the Data Haiku event page.

Arnaud Zimmern, Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship
Katie Walden, American Studies
Matthew Kilbane, English
Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, English

See the 2021 Love Data Haiku contest winners.


Love Data Week is dedicated to spreading awareness of the importance of data management, sharing, preservation, and reuse. If you care about research, professional, community, and personal data, please join us! View all events in this series.