Lecture: "The Impact of Anger in Interpersonal Political Discussion Networks"


Location: B101 Jenkins and Nanovic Halls (View on map )

Join us as our own Carey Stapleton presents "The Impact of Anger in Interpersonal Political Discussion Networks."

Carey Stapleton

About the speaker: Carey Stapleton is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Notre Dame. He studies the role of human psychology in how and why people engage in the American political system and hold the beliefs and attitudes they hold. Most recently, his work has examined the impact of angry political speech in increasing the amount of anger in the electorate and motivating partisans to participate in political campaigns. His research has been published at Political Behavior, Political Research Quarterly, and Survey Practice. His current research examines how angry voters evaluate emotional speech from politicians and how opinion elites use anger to police the boundaries of acceptable partisan attitudes. Prior to his appointment, he earned a Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Originally published at rooneycenter.nd.edu.