NDSF 2022 Apprentice Program Info Session


Location: Patricia George Decio Theatre (View on map )

NDSF 2022 Apprentice Program info session: January 20, 2022

Don't miss the opportunity to enrich your professional career! The Apprentice Program is a key component of the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival.

Apprentices work side-by-side with career professionals in a theatrical setting, and hail not only from our home campuses at Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s College, and Holy Cross College, but other universities and colleges across the United States.

Many former Apprentices enjoy careers in acting, design, production, and administration.

Paid positions are available at both the professional and apprentice levels.

Apprentice Program Info Session: 

  • WHEN: Thursday, January 20, 2022, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • WHERE: Patricia George Decio Theatre, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, Notre Dame, IN

Originally published at shakespeare.nd.edu.