Panel: Black Civil Rights in South Bend


Location: 101 DeBarolo Hall (View on map )

This panel at Notre Dame will feature some of South Bend's most prominent community leaders and explore the immense social inequalities facing South Bend's Black residents. 

Our panelists, Trina Robinson (President, NAACP-South Bend), Regina Williams-Preston (President, Community Action for Education and former Common Council Representative), Jorden Giger (co-founder of Black Lives Matter South Bend), and Deacon Mel Tardy (Notre Dame advising faculty and Deacon of St. Augustine's Parish), have generously offered to share their experiences and to offer recommendations towards a stronger future for civil rights in our community.  

The panel, moderated by Emmanuel Cannady of the Department of Sociology.  You are welcome to attend and also to participate in a Q&A with the panel members. 

Please note that face masks are required for all attendees.

This panel has been made possible by the generous support of The Notre Dame Initiative on Race and Resilience of the College of Arts and Letters and the Program of Liberal Studies.

Originally published at