Student Conversations: "Inclusive Nukes: Engaging Women and People of Color in the Nuclear Debate"


Location: Virtual Event

Join us for the continuing series of monthly conversations focused on the Catholic approach to nuclear weapons that will engage students from Catholic Universities, which include Notre Dame, Georgetown, Catholic University, Northwestern, and university partners in Japan, Africa, South America, Mexico, and more. Conversations will address the moral implications of using the bomb, current and critical nuclear issues, and what can be done to move forward toward the Papal vision of  “nuclear zero.”

October topic: Inclusive Nukes: Engaging Women and People of Color in the Nuclear Debate

Why should we care about nuclear weapons in the 21st century? How do they play out in our everyday lives? This conversation will call into question the nuclear deterrence theory from the vantage point of gender issues, settler colonialism, and environmental racism. What kind of language, discourse, and vision maintain over 6,000 nuclear weapons after a number of nuclear tests in the US alone, while economic gaps are growing and our environmental condition is deteriorating? 

The discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Yuki Miyamoto from DePaul University, with an introduction by Dr. Maryann Cusimano Love from the Catholic University of America

Please note the following:

Contact Caesar Montevecchio at with any questions. 

Upcoming events in this series: 

Nov 10 - Still Relevant:The Nuclear Exposure Compensation Act
Dec 8 - The Catholic Church, S. Korea, and N. Korean Nukes

Originally published at