Lecture: "Roadmap for a Green Energy Future"


Location: 1030 Jenkins Nanovic Halls and via Zoom

Roadmap Energy

Today, amid widespread coverage of the threats posed by climate change, the world still relies on fossil fuels to meet much of its energy needs. What would a roadmap to a greener future—one that is both just and sustainable—look like? 

Join us for this distinguished lecture with Bill Hederman, a champion for green energy innovation. Learn about the various factors that have influenced energy policy, see how alternatives to conventional fossil fuels have performed, and examine important trends in the shift away from fossil fuels. Hear what a greener future might look like—and how the University of Notre Dame can continue its important work to contribute to it.

This event will be offered both in person and via Zoom.

William F. Hederman

Bill Hederman

Bill Hederman has fought on the front lines of energy and environment technology and policy battles for four decades, starting with the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s. He has served as an energy researcher, become a nationally prominent energy analyst, and emerged as an international leading executive for government, NGOs, and the private sector.

Following the California electricity crisis in 2001, Hederman led the formation of the Office of Market Oversight and Investigations at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, restoring public, congressional, and investor confidence in the integrity of energy markets. He has also served as the first energy and science budget analyst for the US Congressional Budget Office and as an advisor at the US Department of Energy, helping Ukraine transition away from dependence on Russian natural gas. He remains a tireless advocate for transitioning to a more sustainable energy future.

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