Lecture: "Athletic Protests: Howard Bryant"


Location: via Zoom


Building an Anti-Racist Vocabulary

Join the Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights as Howard Bryant, senior writer for ESPN and author of The Heritage: Black Athletes, a Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism, explores racial protest in the sports industry.

Howard Bryant has worked as reporter for the Washington Post and the Boston Herald, and is a prolific baseball writer on a variety of topics affecting the game. He also contributes to ESPN The Magazine, ESPN, and ESPN Radio.

Building an Anti-Racist Vocabulary is a weekly lecture series presenting preeminent scholars, thought leaders, and public intellectuals to guide our community through topics necessary to a deeper understanding of systemic racism and racial justice.

Lectures are available to the Notre Dame community via Zoom. Registration with a valid nd.edu or alumni.nd.edu is required.

Register for the Series Here

Originally published at klau.nd.edu.