Jose E. Limon Best Paper Competition deadline

Jose E Limon Jan2021

The Institute for Latino Studies announces the José E. Limón Best Paper in Latino Studies competition, for written work done on U.S. Latino communities, to support scholarly work by undergraduate and graduate students consistent with the mission of ILS. Papers can be from any discipline and methodological approach. 

Students who have prepared exemplary work may submit their papers to for a writing prize of $250 for undergraduate papers of 10+ pages, and $500 for graduate student work of 20+ pages.

Inquiries should be directed to Paloma Garcia-Lopez, ILS Associate Director, at or (574) 631-4881.  

The ILS José E. Limón Writing Prize will accept only one paper per student per submission period, January 18, 2021 to April 15, 2021. Paper submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on April 15, 2021. For more information, visit the ILS website.

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