Q&A: Library of Religious Biography


Location: Online

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Heath Carter (Princeton Theological Seminary) and Kathryn Gin Lum (Stanford University) will join the Cushwa Center for a discussion of their role as co-editors for the Eerdmans Library of Religious Biography series.

Launched in the early 1990s, the series aims to engage scholars, students, and general readers. Forthcoming volumes survey not only church leaders and theologians but also pop stars, presidents, and popular writers. This question-and-answer session will address their specific work on the series—including advice for prospective authors—while also incorporating their general reflections on biography’s strengths and weaknesses and their insights regarding new directions in the field of religious history. Webinar participants will be invited to submit their own questions.

This webinar is free and open to all, but registration is required. Registrants will receive a Zoom link in advance of the event.

Register Here



Originally published at cushwa.nd.edu.