Gender Provisions in Peace Accords: Reflections on Negotiation, Design and Implementation in Support of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda


Location: Virtual Event

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On October 31, 2000, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). Twenty years later, the UN Secretary General’s WPS report emphasizes that the resolution placed women’s participation at the center of peace efforts, and there now exist clear commitments by the UN and its member states to promote women’s rights and gender equality in all conflict resolution efforts. 

In peace accord negotiation and implementation, the importance of having women at the negotiating table and gender provisions in agreements has also gained prominence. While the expectation of participation and inclusion to achieve gender equality have risen, experiences and evidence show that the realization of the WPS agenda continues to be a challenge. 

This webinar brings together insights on the progress and challenges facing WPS aspects in peace accord negotiation, design, and implementation. Contributors will present data, research, and experience from policymaking over the past 20 years in an effort to sharpen the understanding of what efforts have an impact on the ground. 

This event is co-sponsored by the Peace Accords Matrix (PAM) program of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, part of the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs, and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

PAM is a unique source of qualitative and quantitative longitudinal data on the implementation of comprehensive peace agreements negotiated since 1989. Composed of researchers and practitioners seeking to promote and facilitate a higher order of integration between these domains, PAM is pioneering innovations in peace process research and real-time monitoring of peace agreement implementation. One of PAM’s central features is the Barometer Initiative in Colombia, which is entrusted with the responsibility for real-time technical support and monitoring of the implementation of the 2016 Colombian Peace Accord.


9:00 - 9:05


Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, Director, Peace Accords Matrix program, Kroc Institute 

9:05 - 10:30 a.m.

Panel I: The WPS Agenda and the Negotiation and Design of Peace Accords 

Moderator: Louise Olsson, Senior Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

“Including Gender Provisions in the Colombian Peace Agreement”
Juanita Millán, Senior Mediation Advisor, Standby Team of Mediation Advisers, Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, United Nations

“Norway’s Experiences of Supporting Inclusive Peace Agreements and the Preparations for the Upcoming UN Security Council Term”
Ambassador Marita Sørheim-Rensvik, Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"How Gender Provisions are Included in Peace Agreements and What We Can Learn from These Negotiations”
Laura Wise, Research Associate, Political Settlements Research Programme, University of Edinburgh and Jan Pospisil, Research Director, Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) – Schlaining

“Mediators, Mandates, and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda”
Laurie Nathan, Professor of the Practice of Mediation; Mediation Program Director, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, and Catriona Standfield, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Political Science, Worcester State University 

10:30 - 12:00 p.m. 

Panel 2: The WPS Agenda and Implementation of Peace Agreements 

Moderator: Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, Director, Peace Accords Matrix program, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

“Lessons from Research about Peace Agreement Implementation: Challenges and Opportunities”
Madhav Joshi, Research Associate Professor; Associate Director of the Peace Accords Matrix 

“Insights on Measuring Gender Provision Implementation on a Global Level”
Louise Olsson, Senior Researcher, PRIO 

“Takeaways from Implementation of Gender Commitments in Colombia”
Rebecca Gindele, Specialist, Barometer Initiative, Peace Accords Matrix Program, and Rosa Emilia Salamanca, Political Coordinator, Institute for Social and Economic Research and Action (CIASE) 

“Women In Between Peace Agreements and Peacebuilding” (La mujer entre acuerdos y construcción de paz)
Vera Grabe Loewenherz, Corporación Observatorio para la Paz 

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