Creative Writing Reading Series ft. Joyelle McSweeney & Valerie Sayers


Location: Zoom conversation

This will be a faculty book launch for Professor Joyelle McSweeney's Toxicon and Arachne and Professor Valerie Sayers' The Age of Infidelity and Other Stories. This reading will be taking place via zoom on Wednesday, Sept. 30th at 7:00 pm.

Registration for the event must take in advance of the reading.  Registration can be completed here.

Joyelle McSweeney is the author of ten books of poetry, stories, lyric novels, verse plays, translation, and criticism. Her most recent book is Toxicon and Arachne (Nightboat, 2020), praised as a "frightening and brilliant book" by Dan Chiasson in The New Yorker. The Necropastoral: Poems, Media, Occults, a work of goth ecocriticm, was published by the University of Michigan Poets on Poetry series in 2014. With Johannes Göransson, McSweeney edits the international press Action Books. She teaches creative writing at Notre Dame.

Valerie Sayers, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of English at Notre Dame, is the author of six critically acclaimed novels. Alice McDermott calls the stories in her new collection, The Age of Infidelity, "charming, witty, devastating, and incredibly wise," and Melanie Rae Thon says they are "bright and bold, infinitely compassionate and radically hopeful."

Originally published at