ND Energy Bouts: Fighting for Renewable Energy


Location: Zoom

Energy Bouts 2020

If you had $100 million to donate for innovative research in the fields of solar, wind, and/or nuclear energy, how would you distribute it? Join ND Energy as we host a rematch between three prominent Notre Dame researchers who will attempt to persuade you to give them your virtual votes.

Meet the contenders:

  • Peter C. Burns, Henry Massman Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences; Concurrent Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Director, NNSA Actinide Center of Excellence (ACE); and Director, ND Energy (representing nuclear)
  • Prashant V. Kamat, Rev. John A. Zahm Professor of Science, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Radiation Laboratory; Concurrent Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (representing solar)
  • Scott C. Morris, Professor, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; Director of Research, Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory (representing wind)

Registration for this event must be made no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 24. Students may also register for a 30-minute breakout session with Prof. Peter Burns after the event.

For details and to register for this event, click here


Energy Bouts 2020 Screen Ad
Energy Bouts 2020 Classroom Slide (JPG)

Originally published at energy.nd.edu.