Mexico Virtual Lecture Series


Location: via Zoom

"Partners for a Cure: Fighting Cancer in Mexico"

Dr. Sharon Stack
Dr. Sharon Stack
Dr. Thomas Merluzzi
Dr. Thomas Merluzzi
Dr. Maria Del Rocio Baños Lara
Dr. Maria del Rocio Baños Lara

Since 2011, Notre Dame’s Harper Cancer Institute has conducted innovative and integrative research that confronts the complex challenges of cancer. Through collaboration with long-time Notre Dame partners, Una Nueva Esperanza (UNE) and Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), they hope to advance the understanding of leukemia and other cancers that affect children in Mexico. This important research aims to improve survival rates and provide support for Mexicans diagnosed with cancer. Dr. Sharon Stack of the Harper Institute, Dr. Thomas Merluzzi for the Psychology Department, and Dr. Maria del Rocio Baños Lara of UNE will share their current efforts and plans for future collaboration.

The Mexico Virtual Lecture Series is a recurring online event intended to highlight the deep connections between Notre Dame and Mexico. Each lecture focuses on the current work of a Notre Dame faculty member or researcher, covering topics that vary widely from medical research to the social sciences and arts and culture.

The series is intended for a general audience and can be viewed via Zoom. Pre-registration for the session is requested and the Zoom link will be made available once registration is received. 

Register here

PLEASE NOTE: Indicated event times are Eastern Daylight Time (11:00am - 12:30pm CDT).

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