CANCELED: Conference: "The Virgin Mary in Visual Art: From Europe to the Americas"

- (part of a series)


7:00 PM Monsignor Timothy Verdon, “Mary in the Life and Art of Florence from Giotto to Michelangelo"
Mons. Timothy Verdon, a scholar of sacred art (PhD, Yale University, 1975), resides in Florence, Italy, where he serves as Canon of the Cathedral.  He also directs the Dioeceson Office of Sacred Art and Church Cultural Heritage and the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo. A past consultant to the Vatican Commission for Church Cultural Heritage and Fellow of the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, he currently teaches in the Florence Program of Stanford University.

8:00 PM Reception


9:00 AM Dr. Robin M. Jensen, “Mary in Early Christian Art: From the Catacombs to Early Roman Churches"
Prof. Robin M. Jensen is the Patrick O’Brien Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame (US), where she also is concurrent faculty in Art History and a Fellow of the Medieval Institute. She specializes in paleochristian art and architecture. Her research and publications explore the intersection of Christian iconography, architecture, and material culture generally with early Christian liturgy, lived practices, and theological discourse.

Panel discussion: Dr. Leonard J. DeLorenzo, Mons. Timothy Verdon, and Kelsi Ray

10:45 AM Dr. Michael Schreffler, Gallery talk on the exhibition “Divine Illusions: Statue Paintings from Colonial Latin America”
Dr. Michael Schreffler researches the art and architecture of the transatlantic Spanish world in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He has published a number of articles in scholarly journals examining the ways in which representation—in the form of visual images, architectural ornament, and descriptive texts—facilitated change in the early modern Spanish world. He is currently completing a book on the transformation of Cuzco, the capital of the Inca Empire in the Andes of Peru, into a Spanish colonial town in the early-sixteenth century.

12:00 PM Break

1:30 PM Dr. Rita George-Tvrtković, “Marian Images in the History of Christian-Muslim Relations”
”background:white">Rita George-Tvrtković (PhD, University of Notre Dame) is associate professor of theology at Benedictine University in suburban Chicago, where she specializes in medieval and contemporary Christian-Muslim relations. Her books include A Christian Pilgrim in Medieval Iraq: Riccoldo da Montecroce’s Encounter with Islam (Brepols, 2012); Christians, Muslims, and Mary: A History (Paulist Press, 2018); and a co-edited volume, Nicholas of Cusa and Islam: Polemic and Dialogue in the Late Middle Ages (Brill, 2014). Her articles have appeared in Theological Studies, Medieval Encounters, Catholic Historical Review, and America. She is former associate director of the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office for Ecumenical & Interreligious Affairs.

Panel discussion: Sr. Ann Astell, Dr. Peter Casarella, and Hansol Goo

3:00 PM Dr. Matthew Milliner, “Our Lady of the Midwest”
”background:white">Matthew Milliner holds an M.A. & Ph.D. in art history from Princeton University, and an M.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary. His scholarly specialization is Byzantine and medieval art, with a focus on how such images inform contemporary visual culture. He is a four-time appointee to the Curatorial Advisory Board of the United States Senate.

Panel discussion: Dr. Maxwell Johnson, Dr. Kathy Cummings, and Dr. Joe Becherer

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