2020 Women's Investing Summit


Location: Dahnke Ballroom, Duncan Student Center

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The financial services industry, long a stronghold of male leaders and investors, increasingly is looking at the issue of the investment gap — a reference to the fact that women historically don’t invest as much as men do. Nor are they well represented at executive levels and boards of investment services companies.

As part of an effort to reverse these trends, the University of Notre Dame Institute for Global Investing (NDIGI) is hosting its second Women’s Investing Summit.

With the theme of “Inspiring Tomorrow’s Ethical Investment Leaders,” the daylong summit features some of the top female executives in the financial investing industry from companies including Goldman Sachs, Lone Pine Capital, Putnam Investments and more.

Students, Faculty, and Staff please register hereRegistration is free, and you are welcome to come and go as your class schedule allows. Registration includes lunch and a t-shirt to the first 300 registrants.

All ND student attendees are invited to submit their resumes to be included in a resume book that will be given to each of our speakers and sponsor representatives. Sponsors will invite select students to sit with them for a networking lunch so please submit your resume to be considered for this opportunity.

Alumni, parents, and friends please register here. Registration is $50 and includes lunch and a t-shirt to the first 300 registrants.

Originally published at ndigi.nd.edu.