2019 Laura Shannon Prize Lecture and Award Ceremony


Location: 1050 Jenkins Nanovic Halls (View on map )

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies will present the 2019 Laura Shannon Prize to Max Bergholz, author of Violence as a Generative Force: Identity, Nationalism, and Memory in a Balkan Community, published by Cornell University Press.  Bergholze will deliver a public lecture as well as meet with students and faculty during his visit to the University of Notre Dame.

Max Bergholz is associate professor of history at Concordia University in Montreal, where he holds the James M. Stanford Professorship in Genocide and Human Rights Studies.  His work focuses on microhistorical approaches to the history of modern Europe with an emphasis on the local dynamics of nationalism, intercommunal violence, and historical memory.  

All are welcome.

Originally published at nanovic.nd.edu.