Lecture: "Witnessing Peace Under Duress: Becoming Agents in Colombia"


Location: C103, Hesburgh Center for International Studies

This lecture will reflect on war-affected communities through periods of open conflict, the lead-up to an historical comprehensive peace agreement, and the first year of peace agreement implementation in order to offer crucial lessons about transitioning from violence to a more justpeace. Based on years of participant-observation research, the lecture is in dialogue with the experiences and worldviews of colonized communities in active war zones in Colombia and the approaches that ostensibly champion their cause.

Hunter-Bowman’s upcoming book, Witnessing Peace Under Duress: Becoming Agents in Colombia, brings particular experiences and theological ways of knowing into conversation with liberal philosophy, cultural anthropology, religious and theological studies, and peace studies to suggest a method for thinking about non-triumphal participation in nonviolent processes of change in dynamic (and often conflicted and violent) political environments

Janna Hunter-Bowman is Assistant Professor of Peace Studies and Christian Social Ethics at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and a Scholar in Residence at the Kroc Institute during Fall 2019. She is also a member of the Kroc Institute’s Advisory Board.

All are welcome.

Originally published at kroc.nd.edu.