Human Rights ND Speaker Series


Location: B034 Geddes Hall

Maged Arisha

The UNHCR, the Guardian of the Refugees Convention presented by Maged Arisha, LL.M. Program in International Human Rights Law.

Maged Arisha earned his bachelor’s degree in law from Menofia University (Egypt) in 2012. After graduation, he worked with national and international NGOs in Egypt focusing on youth empowerment. In 2015, he joined the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Egypt as an Eligibility Officer. He adjudicated asylum claims from different countries in the region, identifying their protection concerns and recommending a legal decision on their eligibility under the 1951 Refugee Convention. He was later appointed as a Reviewing Officer with the main task of reviewing and endorsing the recommendations on such asylum claims. Arisha is interested in deepening his knowledge about the field to better advocate for human rights practices in the region and to be more reflective about how to establish systems that respond to human rights violations. He is the recipient of a scholarship from the prestigious  Fulbright Foreign Student Program 2019-2020. 

The Klau Center for Civil and Human Rights is proud to support this speaker series, presented by HumanRights ND. The HumanRightsND speaker series brings human rights advocates, current master’s students in the LL.M. Program in International Human Rights Law, together with the wider Notre Dame community for informal presentations on current topics in regional human rights.

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