Panel: "Addressing Critical Global Challenges in the Policy Arena"


Location: Hesburgh Center Auditorium (View on map )

Please join us for a panel introducing the Kellogg Policy and Practice Labs, a new initiative of the Institute supporting faculty research that aims to influence policy and practice on current issues of pressing importance. The PIs of each of the three new Labs will give an overview of their research, connecting it to the impact they seek: 

  • Compliance with Human Rights Decisions
    Faculty Fellow Diane DesiertoAssociate Professor of Human Rights Law and Global Affairs
    Faculty Fellow Aníbal Pérez-LiñánProfessor of Political Science and Global Affairs

  • International Economic Integration
    Faculty Fellow Jeff BergstrandProfessor of Finance

  • Transitional Justice
    Faculty Fellow Guillermo TrejoAssociate Professor of Political Science

Panel discussion with reception to follow.

Originally published at