Kellogg Lecture: "Identity or Policy? Evidence from Vote Switching in the United States"


Location: Hesburgh Center, C103 (View on map )

The Kellogg Institute welcomes Herbert Kitschelt, George V. Allen Professor of International Relations at Duke University.

In this talk, Herbert Kitschelt will examine the micro-logic of long-term changes in US electoral alignments. He takes on two debates: First, has the “working class” defected from the Democrats because its members vote on non-economic issues? Second, is the “responsible partisan theory” a poor “folk theory,” because, among other reasons, voting patterns cannot be explained by citizen awareness of party positions and actions?

This lecture is part of a larger series organized by Faculty Fellows Michael Coppedge and Andrew Gould entitled “Perspectives on World Politics.” Since its inception in 2016, this series aims to spotlight the Kellogg Institute’s strength in comparative politics by featuring distinguished scholars who speak on a topic related to each year’s theme.

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