Lecture: "Ethnic Violence and the Healing of the ‘Burden of Ethnicity’"


Location: C103, Hesburgh Center for International Studies

Emmanuel Katongole, Professor of Theology and Peace Studies, presents this lecture.

“Ethnic Violence and the Healing of the ‘Burden of Ethnicity’” is part of a book-length project entitled “Who Are My People? The Reinvention of Love in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Set against the backdrop of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, this chapter on ethnic violence explores the mechanisms through which Hutu-Tutsi identities were invented within the construction of the modern Rwanda nation-state. It explores the story of Ruhango, one of the few Catholic communities untouched by the genocide, for clues about the kind of resistance and love necessary to resist violence, heal its wounds, and ultimately heal the “burden of ethnicity.” 

This event is co-sponsored with the Kellogg Institute for International Studies

Originally published at kroc.nd.edu.