Lecture: "Congress in the Trump Era: Gender Dynamics and Partisan Politics"


Location: Jenkins and Nanovic Halls, Room 1030

Kathryn Pearson (University of Minnesota) will deliver the 2019 Constitution Day Lecture on Trump and congressional politics.

Pearson is an Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota specializing in American politics. Her research focuses on the United States Congress, congressional elections, political parties, and women and politics. She is working on a new book project, Gendered Partisanship in the House of Representatives, analyzing congresswomen’s pursuit of power in a partisan era.

Lunch is served at noon. Event is free and open to the public.

Presented by the Potenziani Program in Constitutional Studies, the Tocqueville Program, Notre Dame Research, and the Jack Miller Center.

For more information, contact Jen Smith or call (574) 631-5351.

Originally published at constudies.nd.edu.