Conference: "Democracy and Inequality in the Americas"

(part of a series)

Income and wealth inequality have become common problems across the Americas. In the USA, the share of pre-tax income in the hands of the top 1% almost doubled between the early 1980s and the present, going from 11% to 20%. In Brazil, the six richest men control as much wealth as the bottom half of the population; even more staggering, the richest 0.1% makes in a month the same as a worker receiving the minimum wage earns in 19 years. What are the causes and consequences of income inequality? Are the challenges and opportunities the same in the United States and in Latin America? This conference will gather a variety of academics and practitioners who will explore the political economy of inequality: its historical origins and evolution, the policies required to revert income concentration, and the role of key political actors in this process.

Co-sponsored by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies and the Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development.

Originally published at