Lecture: "Promoting Accountability and Justice in Sri Lanka"


Location: B036 Geddes Hall

Luwie Ganeshathasan, LL.B. from the University of Colombo, is an Attorney at Law and works as a Researcher at the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), Sri Lanka. Since January 2012, he has supported public interest litigation on issues of constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights law, filed and handled by CPA.  He has contributed to CPA’s efforts to raise awareness on issues relating to constitutional reform, electoral system reform, and legal reform by co-authoring several research papers, policy briefs and advocacy documents and by conducting training workshops for civil society activists across Sri Lanka. Since January 2013, Mr. Ganeshathasan has also worked as a Junior Counsel in the Chambers of Geoffrey Alagaratnam, President’s Counsel, working mainly on issues relating to labour law.

The Klau Center is proud to support this new speaker series, presented by Human Rights ND. The Human Rights ND speaker series brings human rights advocates, current master’s students in the LL.M. Program in International Human Rights Law, together with the wider Notre Dame community for informal presentations on current topics in regional human rights.

All are welcome.

Originally published at klau.nd.edu.