Learning Beyond the Classics Series


Location: Browning Cinema (View on map )

A series of short documentaries, including Jill Godmilow’s What Farocki Taught, centered on how non-feature-length documentary film has been and continues to be used as a medium and genre in which film directors are able to present very essayistic arguments about both societal issues and the role film plays in societal discussions. Director Jill Godmilow scheduled to appear. 

Not Rated, 60 minutes, DVD 

This Learning Beyond the Classics Series poses multiple questions relevant to the world of documentaries, including: how is reality constructed on film, what conventions and patterns have formed through history, and how do audiences read reality as it is depicted in film?

Free for ND, SMC, HC, and IUSB students. 

Sponsored by the Meg and John P. Brogan Endowment for Documentary Film.

Originally published at genderstudies.nd.edu