Lecture: "A World Without Hate: A Discussion Against Anti-Semitism"


Location: Reckers Hospitality Room

Join the Jewish Club of Notre Dame for a multi-session event to combat antisemitism and oppression through learning and dialogue, held in commemoration of the Jewish victims of the Tree of Life terror attack in Pittsburgh as well as the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Participants are encouraged to attend as many of the following sessions as they wish. Light snacks and coffee will be provided.

  • Background on Rising Antisemitism in Today’s America (2:00-2:15 pm)
    Presented by Alicia Twisselmann, President of the Jewish Club of Notre Dame
  • Meet the Jews on Your Campus: A Roundtable of Jewish Students & Campus Community Members (2:20-3:20 pm) 
    This session is a chance for you to hear from your fellow Jewish classmates, professors, and staff about their experiences and to ask any questions you might have. Come get to know us!
  • Anti-Semitism and the Nexus of Oppressions in the United States (3:30-4:45 pm)
    Learn about how antisemitism animates many forms of hate through its connection to other systems of oppression in the United States. Among others, the speakers for this event will include: 
  • Stacy Davis, Professor of Religious Studies at Saint Mary’s College 
  • Odalis Gonzales, Secretary for the Student Coalition for Immigrant Advocacy 
  • Marjorie Housely, PhD Candidate in English with a graduate minor in Gender Studies 
  • Rabia Shariff, Participant in South Bend’s Women’s Interfaith Dialogue Group
  • Representative from Student Coalition for Immigrant Advocacy
  • Shabbat Service at Temple Beth El and Dinner (5:00-8:30 p.m.)
    Following this teach-in, the JSA invites you to travel to Temple Beth El for a shabbat service followed by dinner. Those joining for this service will be leaving at 5:00 p.m. from Main Circle and returning to Main Circle at 8:30 p.m. If you’re planning to go, click here to confirm your spot.

Sponsors for this event include Campus Ministry, Multicultural Student Programs and Services, Student Coalition for Immigrant Advocacy, and Department of Theology .

Originally published at campusministry.nd.edu.