Lecture: "Humanities on the Edge: The Chilean Experience"


Location: Room 1050 Jenkins Navovic Halls

Cristián Opazo, Associate Professor of Latin American Literatures and Cultures at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Director of Research Affairs and Graduate Studies, focuses his research on drama, gender, performance and the underground. He is the author of a large corpus of peer-reviewed articles and the 2011 book, Pedagogías letales: ensayo sobre dramaturgias chilenas de post-dictadura. At present, he is completing the book Clandestine Repertoire: Chilean Theatre and Underground Counter-Cultures.

“This talk will scrutinize the meaning of ‘entrepeneurship,’ ‘innovation,’ and ‘social impact’ – the key words of the discourse of the universities inserted in the globalized
world – and share strategies for the effective re-positioning of the works/knowledges of the humanities in the public space.”

All are welcome.

Originally published at romancelanguages.nd.edu.