Latino Studies in the Professions


Location: Samora Library, 204 McKenna Hall (View on map )

This series will discuss how the Latino Studies Major and Minor prepare students for professional careers in various fields.  Each semester, the series will feature an Alumi speaker, who majored or minored in Latino Studies, to share his/her work experience. The focus of this session will be on working in Community Benefit Organizations (Non-Profit sector). Notre Dame Alumnus Prisma Garcia will be joining this session to discuss how her Latino Studies Major enhanced her career path. 

In addition, we will address the following:
What courses are offered? How many credit hours are required? Why would I need this degree? What can I do with a Latino Studies Major or Minor after I graduate? Are there scholarships for Latino Studies students?

Join former and current Latino Studies Majors and Minors along with Director of Undergraduate Studies, Karen Richman, to learn more about the Supplementary Major and Minor!

Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome!

Originally published at