Lecture: Europe in the World, 1914-40 - Race, Colony, and Empire


Location: Geddes Hall, Andrews Auditorium

Geoff Eley, the Karl Pohrt Distinguished University Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Michigan, focuses his research on Europe, nationalism, politics, and power. Trained at Balliol College (University of Oxford) and Sussex University, he has won multiple awards for his teaching and research. Deeply influenced by Marxism, most notably the work of Antonio Gramsci, Eley has published several books, including German Colonialism in a Global Age (Duke UP) and Nazism as Fascism: Violence, Ideology, and the Ground of Consent in Germany, 1930-1945 (Routledge). His recent work reflects his inquiry into the history and politics of the Left in Europe, and he is currently working on a general history of twentieth-century Europe.

Originally published at nanovic.nd.edu.