Conference: “Church and Synagogue: Conceptions of Community in Judaism and Christianity”


Location: Notre Dame Conference Center, McKenna Hall

“Church and Synagogue: Conceptions of Community in Judaism and Christianity”

This conference, hosted by the Department of Theology, marks the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the declaration on the Church’s relationship with non-Christian religions, which set the bond between Catholics and Jews on a new footing.

The conference will feature three keynote panels, each composed of one speaker addressing Jewish conceptions of community and one addressing Christian conceptions of community. A reception will follow the final keynote. The conference is made possible by the generous support of the Abrams Chair of Jewish Thought and Culture, the Liss Endowment for Jewish Studies, and the Crown-Minow Endowment for Jewish Studies.

For more information and to register (at no cost), please visit

Nov. 8, 7-9 p.m.
Community in Ancient Judaism and Christianity
Christine Hayes, Yale University, “Mapping Communities: Israel and the Nations in Biblical and Rabbinic Sources”
Robin Darling Young, Catholic University of America, “Kingdoms of God: Judaea and Armenia in Fifth-Century Christian Epics”

Nov. 9, 9:15-11:45 a.m.
Graduate Student Panel

Nov. 9, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Community in Medieval Judaism and Christianity
Dean Bell, Spertus Institute, “Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Communities: Ideals and Realities”
Ulrich Lehner, Marquette University, “Collective Agency and Responsibility in Early Modern Catholicism”

Nov. 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Community in Modern Judaism and Christianity
Yehudah Mirsky, Brandeis University, “Sovereign States, Sovereign Selves: Reconstituting Jews, Judaism and Community in the Modern Age”
James Buchanan, Xavier University, “Nostra Aetate and Social Capital: The Challenges of Interfaith Collaboration in Rethinking and Reshaping Community”