ScreenPeace Film Festival 2013: "5 Broken Cameras"


Location: Browning Cinema, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

This year’s ScreenPeace Film Festival presents five critically acclaimed films that revolve around the theme of nonviolent resistance.

All films are free, but ticketed.

5 Broken Cameras (2011)
Hebrew and Arabic, with English subtitles

This film — a winner at the Sundance Film Festival and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary — consists almost entirely of footage shot by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat on five home video cameras, each broken during intense altercations with Israeli security forces.

Co-directed by Burnat and Guy Davidi, the film provides a first-person perspective on the nonviolent efforts by the Palestinian village of Bil’in to stop the building of the separation wall and settlements in the West Bank.

Introduction and discussion led by Atalia Omer, assistant professor of religion, conflict, and peace studies at the Kroc Institute.

Tickets are available at performing or by calling the box office at 574.631.2800.